2 trees at Newlands Corner in Surrey

Privacy policy

Welcome to the Surrey County Council Economy and Growth privacy notice.

Economy and Growth is a part of Surrey County Council and delivers the Business Surrey service.


Date of Issue – 22 March 2024
Review Date – 22 March 2026

Welcome to the Surrey County Council Economy and Growth privacy notice.

Economy and Growth is a part of Surrey County Council and delivers the Business Surrey service.

The reasons why we use your personal data

This privacy notice applies to the functions of the Economy and Growth service. All activities performed by the service are done to fulfil its functions to deliver government and local authority funded business, careers and skills programmes.

What processing of personal data is undertaken by the service

We collect personal data to deliver government and local authority funded programmes. We use this data to:

  • Inform, support and facilitate participation in Economy and Growth projects and programmes.
  • Provide projects and programmes that support the needs of businesses and their employees to develop and improve business, skills and careers
  • Develop a strategic overview of business support, skills and careers provision in Surrey in order to identify and address gaps in provision
  • Development of communications appropriate to needs and requirements on Economy and Growth Services
  • Analyse need and develop delivery of a range of business support, skills and careers opportunities through 1-2-1 support, 1-2-many support, online and face to face events, newsletters and referrals
  • Work with partners, such as business support providers, education settings and independent training providers to develop and deliver appropriate business support, skills and careers services
  • Inform service improvement and planning, and to meet funding organisation requirements.
  • Complete statutory returns to central government, such as the Department for Business and Trade (DBT), Department for Education (DfE), the Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA), and the Department for Energy Security and Net Zero (DESNZ)
  • Allocate funding received by Surrey County Council appropriately to business support, careers and skills programmes and projects

What Information do we collect?

Dependent on the project and programme, Economy and Growth will collect some or all of the following personal data

  • Job Title
  • First name
  • Surname
  • Business Address
  • Business contact telephone
  • Business contact e-mail address
  • Gender
  • Age
  • Ethnicity
  • Disability

For some projects, such as programmes funded by the Central Government, we may request sensitive category data. This will be used for the purposes of monitoring our performance in equality and diversity as part of funding requirements by funding organisations.

How we are allowed to use your personal data

Your personal information is collected and processed by the Economy and Growth service to exercise its function and to comply with its legal obligations under funding frameworks and various UK legislation including but not limited to:

  • Education Act 1996
  • Education and Skills Act 2008
  • Apprenticeships, Skills, Children and Learning Act 2009


To process your personal data, we will explain to you what we are asking you to agree to and why. If we have consent to use your personal data, you have the right to remove it at any time. If you want to remove your consent, please contact us at the following email address economy.growth@surreycc.gov.uk and we will deal with your request.

You can unsubscribe via newsletter communications or e-mailing economy.growth@surreycc.gov.uk

Who we share your personal data with

Your data will be shared with:

  • Central government departments, such as Department for Business and Trade (DBT), Department for Education (DfE), the Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA), and the Department for Energy Security and Net Zero (DESNZ), Department for Work and Pensions (DWP)
  • Organisations administering funding on behalf of central government departments, such as Careers and Enterprise Company, a government funded organisation who we deliver careers programmes for in the Surrey region
  • Business support, education settings and independent training providers delivering services in partnership with the Economy and Growth service
  • Other Surrey County Council departments for the purposes of understanding and improving the effectiveness of the services we provide
  • Data may be shared with auditors for the purpose of performance monitoring and improvement

If you require a copy of the privacy notice relating to individual programmes please contact economy.growth@surreycc.gov.uk

Retention of data

We keep data for as long as is required to deliver the project and programmes by the Economy and Growth service, and to meet funding obligations.

Other information

For further information on our privacy notices, see information and privacy.