Bright green grass and flowers in the castle grounds in Guildford

About us

Business Surrey is a Surrey County Council service providing free and accessible support for all businesses in Surrey.

We want you to grow and succeed. Contact us today to discover how we can help you on your business journey.

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Doing business in Surrey

Business Surrey provides free practical advice and support for businesses at all stages of their journey to start, grow, and thrive in Surrey. The county of Surrey is home to 110,000 businesses and contributes more than ยฃ50 billion a year in GVA to the UK economy.

Surrey is a great place to do business. It has a highly skilled workforce, esteemed educational and research institutions, and a desirable location. Weโ€™re already home to world-leading sectors. These include createch, cybersecurity, gaming, and health.

The blend of international corporations, innovative start-ups, and many micro-businesses and SMEs means we have a vibrant business scene.

Find out more about our thriving and business-friendly county.

Business support form
Man standing at botton of spiral staircase
Man walking past an independent kitchen showroom

Our county

Surrey is as acclaimed for its areas of natural beauty, idyllic countryside and picturesque villages as it is for its bustling historic towns and sought-after urban life full of diverse and inclusive communities rich in heritage and culture.

Explore Surrey


Business Surrey is a Surrey County Council service. Its work is overseen by the One Surrey Growth Board, which plays a central role in developing a coherent economic strategy for the whole of the county.

The Business Leaders Forum and Surrey Skills Forum support the Growth Board.

Surrey County Council oversees and promotes the sustainable economic development for the whole of Surrey. It provides valuable strategic services focusing on innovation, skills, locations, and a greener future for the benefit of its 1.2 million residents. Growing the economy is one of four priorities for the Council, which are key to achieving its mission of ensuring No One is Left Behind.

Get in touch to see how we can help your business.

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