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Upskill your staff and save on recruitment costs with Skills Bootcamps

Could your business be taking advantage of Skills Bootcamps – flexible training courses available to your workforce, with up to 90% of the costs covered by Government? 

Launched this summer, they provide support to help you train existing and recruit new members of staff – with skills that are focused on growing your business. 

They are delivered via Surrey County Council in a range of sectors crucial to the region’s future economy.

Get in touch today to find out how you could benefit.

Why Skills Bootcamps? 

For many businesses, particularly small or medium employers (SMEs), achieving the balance between upskilling staff and getting the job done can be difficult. 

Skills Bootcamps offer targeted and intensive training that is sector-specific.

They have been designed closely with industry ensuring content is relevant to your sector for growth, now and tomorrow.

They are also completed quickly, in just 12 to 16 weeks. 

Through supporting your talent via a Skills Bootcamps, you also demonstrate commitment to career progression, creating a loyal and skilled workforce. 

Gain support with staff recruitment and save on recruitment costs 

Recruiting the right people with the right qualifications is a challenge for many businesses. 

Did you know, in Surrey alone; 

  • In the health and social care sector, there are over 360 care worker vacancies  
  • In the construction sector, with a predicted demand for over 950,000 installations of retrofit measures, we will need to train around 166 retrofit professionals per year to the peak in 2037 

Skills Bootcamps have been specifically developed to address the skills gap in key sectors. 

Learners are trained online and many courses also include practical teaching and job-shadowing. This ensures they get a realistic understanding of the role before gaining employment.ย ย ย 

Plus, there is no cost to a business recruiting someone who has recently completed a Skills Bootcamp. 

What courses are available? 

Courses have been developed across nine growing industry sectors, aimed at supporting the success of your business and the wider economy. They are delivered through expert providers. 

Courses are available in: 

  • Health and Social Care  
  • Games Development 
  • Cyber 
  • Construction – Insulation, Retrofit & Heat pumps  
  • Sustainability & Carbon Management  
  • Advanced Engineering  
  • Green electrical โ€“ electric vehicles and solar panels 

Find our more on the Surrey County Council’s Skills Bootcamps website.

Who is eligible for a Skills Bootcamp? 

Any adult living in Surrey can sign up to a course. This is providing they have the right to work in the UK and they can commit to completing the course.  Adults can only sign up to one Skills Bootcamp a year.   

Skills Bootcamps are used by local businesses to upskill current employees at a discounted rate. Large employers will need to contribute 30% of the cost. Small or medium employers (SMEs) contribute 10%. 

A business may wish to send two or more members of staff on two identical or different Skills Bootcamps. But you cannot send one individual on more than one course in the same funding year. 

Are you a business wanting more information? Emailโ€ฏ

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